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         Maestro Allan Christian (Allan Christian Domingues Souza, São Paulo, 1983), works as a composer, conductor, artistic director, instrumentalist, researcher and teacher, having performed his compositions in Brazil, Denmark, Canada, United States, Turkey, Portugal, Germany , Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Serbia, Argentina, South Korea and France. His catalog of works includes compositions for solo instrument, electronics, chamber music, choral, symphonic, choral-symphonic and mixed (choral-symphonic + electronic).

         He is a Collaborating Professor and Researcher at the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo - ECA-USP, where he works in teaching, research and research guidance. Since 2019, he has also been a postdoctoral fellow at ECA-USP, under the supervision of the composer Prof. Dr. Silvio Ferraz. At the invitation of CPq-USP, in the years 2020 and 2021, he served as a member of the evaluation board of the national and international stages of the 28th and 29th editions of SIICUSP – International Symposium on Scientific and Technological Initiation of the University of São Paulo. In addition to acting as a university professor, he also works as an academic-scientific and artistic consultant. preparing musicians for entrance examinations in orchestras, choirs, for recitals; guiding researchers during the process of carrying out scientific research and writing articles, and preparing candidates for admission contests in stricto sensu graduate courses (master's and doctorate).

         He currently holds the posts of principal conductor and artistic director of the Aurora Sonoris Orchestra and the Aurora Sonoris Choir, groups dedicated exclusively to contemporary music. He has also performed in the following groups: São Paulo Academic Orchestra (associated conductor, 2011/2012), São Paulo City Choir (associated conductor, 2011/2012), Academic Choir of the Faculty of São Paulo-UNIESP/IESP (principal conductor and artistic director, 2012), Coral do CMBP - Conservatorio Musical Brooklin Paulista (main conductor and artistic director, 2009/2010), Madrigal Era Sanctorum (main conductor and artistic director, 2002/2003) and Madrigal In Excelsis (main conductor and artistic director , 2009/2010), exercising intense artistic-musical activity during the period in the direction of these groups.

         Holds the titles of Doctor in Music by IA-UNESP (2019), Master in Music also by IA-UNESP (2014); Postgraduate with specialization in musical composition by FMCG (2009); and Bachelor of Music with dual qualification: in composition and conducting, also from FMCG (2007).

         He worked as a multidisciplinary teacher (“Canto Choral and Physiology of Voice”, “History of Music I”, “History of Music II” and “Musical Theory and Perception”) of the music course at the Faculty of São Paulo-UNIESP/IESP - 2012 ; from CMBP - Conservatory of Music Brooklin Paulista (“Orchestral Conducting”, “Choral Conducting” and “Musical Composition”) - 2009/2010; among many other institutions. He gave lectures and courses at several institutions, including FAMOSP - Faculdades Mozarteum de São Paulo and FITO - Fundação Instituto Tecnológico de Osasco.

         He is the founder, creator and mediator of Aurora Sonoris, an international group of young composers, conductors and researchers whose objective is musical composition, performance, discussion and reflection on musical praxis in the 20th century. XXI, counting the group with members in Brazil, Finland, France, Serbia, South Korea and Portugal. The group has a symphony orchestra, choir and several chamber music formations, focusing on the repertoire of the 19th and 20th centuries. XX and XXI. Aurora Sonoris operates in three distinct areas: artistic, research and teaching; and from 2022, Aurora Sonoris expands its didactic activities, offering courses in video classes and e-books, in addition to continuing face-to-face and video conference courses.

         He was founder, director, composer and guitarist of the Finno-Brazilian Progressive Metal band “Cradle of Tales”. During his stay in the Arctic Circle (Lapland), he composed a large number of pieces and developed pre-compositional material for a further series of compositions. During this same period, he had two brief passages through central Europe, resulting in a large number of performances (both as an instrumentalist and as a conductor), compositions and the closing of partnerships with some European artists, highlighting his partnership with the French filmmaker Mélanie Schoeny. (Paris), for those who write film music and soundtracks integrated into their films.

         He was a student of Flo Menezes, Celso Mojola, Silvio Ferraz, Ricardo Rizek and Paulo von Zuben in musical composition; by Abel Rocha, Eduardo Fernandes, Naomi Munakata (Japan/Brazil) and Rita de Cássia Fucci Amato in choir conducting; and conductors Paulo Rydlewski, Sir Frank Shipway (United Kingdom), Lutero Rodrigues and Kirk Trevor (United Kingdom/USA) in orchestral conducting. He was a private student of Maestro Paulo Rydlewski, in the disciplines orchestral conducting and musical analysis. Attended master classes and workshops taught by Gilles Gobeil (Canada), Ralph Paland (Germany), Barry Truax (Canada), Miguel Azguime (Portugal), Philippe Manoury (France/USA), Annette Vande Gorne (Belgium), Joshua Bell (USA) ), Makis Solomos (Greece/France), Matthias Kassmannhuber (Austria), Violeta de Gainza (Argentina), Nathalie Junod-Ponsard (France), Jean-Luc Vilmouth (France), Douglas Easterly (USA), Matt Kenyon (USA) , Christian Zöllner (UK), Patrick Fischer (Germany), Tim Webster (Australia), Kenneth Hansen (Denmark), Regine Debatty (Italy), Jörg Piringer (Austria), Kurt Hentschlager (Austria), Chris Coleman (United States) , Ali Momeni (United States), David Clark (Canada), Ernesto Klar (United States/Venezuela), Pau Waelder Laso (Spain), Flo Menezes, Ricardo Rizek, Maestro Ricardo Rocha, Celso Mojola, Edson Zampronha, Silvio Ferraz, etc. .

        Allan Christian speaks fluently and is proficient in Portuguese, Finnish, English and Spanish; and currently dedicates himself partially to the study of French and German languages.

©2022 Maestro Allan Christian

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