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Expand your horizons through music!

Come study music with Maestro Allan Christian!


        The courses developed by Maestro Allan Christian aim to provide students with the necessary tools to master and obtain autonomy and fluency in specific fundamentals of music; through an original, interesting and highly motivating method, enhancing learning in a dynamic and rewarding way, in a virtual environment conducive to learning and the exchange of experiences.

       The courses are given in two modalities: individual or in class. The courses in the “individual” modality are developed based on the profile and focus on the demands, objectives and needs of the student. After the student goes through an interview with Maestro Allan Christian, the syllabus will be developed, and didactic strategies will be outlined according to the knowledge in music, motivations, intentions and the student's cognitive profile. With the application of this pedagogical model, Maestro Allan Christian and his students obtained together incredible results in concerts, concerts, recitals, entrance exams for orchestras, bands and in selective processes for undergraduate, masters and doctorate in music at leading public universities. The courses in the “class” modality are given to groups of up to 16 students. These courses are taught under a strategy that creates an interactive environment that encourages cooperation among classmates, thus enhancing collective and individual results.

        Classes are available in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Finnish. All this with absolutely fair prices and plans for all budgets. So don't waste time! Enroll now!

individual        classes

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